I made a post in my blog telling my experience within this ludum dare.
TL;DR version:
- I made a game based on behavior trees, a technique for game AI which I implemented from scratch (spent >20h on it);
- The game is about connecting people;
- First Ludum Dare that I didn’t change the plan in the half of the compo!
- Behavior Tree worked very well and there were no relevant bug at the final version of the game;
- Despite the time I spent on it, the visual of the game is pretty good;
- There are very few games on Ludum Dare that uses AI as this one, I’m very proud of it;
- Constant fear of failing to finish it;
- Very hard to model behavior trees programatically;
- VERY hard to debug behavior trees without visual helper;
- Mechanics is incredible boring and repetitive;
- I couldn’t finish several aspects of the game, but the worse was the sound and not fixing the crap mechanics;